




Recreational Vehicle

Recreational Vehicle Insurance in Berwyn, IL

Recreational vehicles can be a fun and exciting way to have adventures. However, these vehicles can also be expensive and cause harm, necessitating proper recreational vehicle insurance.

What Is a Recreational Vehicle? 

The term “recreational vehicle” may refer to numerous modes of transport. These may include the following:Recreational Vehicle Insurance

  • Mobile camper coaches
  • Watercraft (e.g., boat or Jet Ski)
  • All-terrain vehicles (ATVs)
  • Snowmobiles
  • Golf carts
  • Camping trailers

Do I Need Coverage? 

Legally, your insurance requirements can vary depending on where you live and the type of vehicle you’re insuring. In many cases, insurance could be required if the vehicle is motorized and will be used on public roads (e.g., camper coaches)—similar to auto insurance requirements for your car. For watercraft, insurance mandates may vary depending on where you’ll use the vehicles, as certain waterways and marinas may have their own rules.

Beyond legal requirements, having recreational vehicle insurance is generally a wise decision. These vehicles are often costly and can inflict significant damage. If the vehicle gets into a collision and must be repaired, or if you cause damage to others, having the right insurance can make a huge difference. Without it, you’d be on the hook for these expenses yourself.

What Can It Cover? 

Coverage options can vary depending on the recreational vehicle and chosen policy options. Typical offerings may include:

  • Collision coverage for collision-related damage
  • Comprehensive coverage for noncollision damage, such as vandalism, theft or weather-related risks
  • Liability coverage for the harm you cause to others or their property
  • Accessories coverage for custom parts that get damaged
  • Roadside or on-the-water assistance for breakdowns or similar events
  • Contents coverage for personal belongings in the vehicle

Your insurance representative can help discuss all relevant policy options related to the type of vehicle you need covered.

Contact Bicent Insuremart Agency, Inc. today to learn more about the right recreational vehicle insurance for you.